our regular customer. to the extent that she knows most of the scoopies!
byebye to ivan. but still will seee your pangsai face eveyr now and then.
My pangsai birds. #1 and #2. totally irritating but still love you (:
The Beautilful View of Somerset At a Higher Height (: Accompany by great company. Where I almost get myself trapped in the shopping mall. =/
My lovely present for you. sometimes its good to have a little pampering to yourself though it burns a BIGGGGGGGGGGGG hole in your pocket.
Fiona's 21st!
when the bday girl isnt at home and we have to entertain ourselves somehow, then after which sweat ourselves out hiding behind the mj table. Fiona, u need to have more fans in your house! =/
The happpiest girl on 2oct (:
So should it be 'happy birthday Jappo' ? Hahaa, at least this is the kind of fun i miss after so many so manyyy.
Sorry fiona, I cant resist but ask to take a photo with your mum, cause she's simply TOO HOT. =/
times when life is at its peak, when only laughters can be heard and nonsense is made in the room, I can feel that this is the moment I wanna live for. But there's times when life is at its lowest, when tears are shed and literally cried the hearts out and having terrible heartaches, i know this is inevitable. we need to have ups and downs to compensate for the balance emotions in us. Who would want to have sadness in their life, but when mistakes are made and lessons are learnt(hopefully), I'm hoping for a miracle actually. Its hard to not worry about what's going to happen, because of the fear of making the same mistake again. yet the more we worry about what's going to happen, the more we will assume what's going to be result. Yet on the other side, you will still give yourself hopes because of 'always look at the brighter side of your life' . Then eventually when you are used to 'holding on to that hope' , and the result diff, this is the time when the reality slaps you in the face and ask u to wake up.
Then again, its hard not to think about it. Though pretendious can be very real, the real emotion inside is making you spin. Maybe this is it. Maybe its late and i need to stop blogging. Maybe I need to go slp to think about other stuffs.
i love your post (: the last part with all the words. you make me so emo la...
ReplyDeleteps. i know right, my mum is hot. if only i have half of her genes!
f io
haha now i read back, i dont know what im typing. HAHA. I bet u've a hard time understanding what im talking. lol