Thursday, July 29, 2010

it doesnt have to be a kiss or a hug to make me happy,
simply laughter and companionship of a 8-year-old kid.
Make me feel young once again. :D

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


finally i start work!
Finally i have a proper job.
but how long this going to last im not sure.

I cant wait to save up,


Monday, May 24, 2010

i need a life

We have a fragile heart. Deal with the problems that are closer to your heart, rather than problems that constantly surfacing yet are far away from your heart.

im counting down 3 more days to freeedom, 4 days to genting, 10days to no-life days. SIGH..

Thursday, May 20, 2010

i paused,
i closed my eyes,

i touch the left side of my chest, and i realised it's a constant heartbeat im listening to.

is it good or bad?

Saturday, March 27, 2010

i realised, it has been like that. Has always been like that sinceeee...
we shall see huh.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

waste no time; lets go.

its so weird its so irony its so confusing i just dont get it.

recently i just realised i make a rather interesting friend. She makes me realised what life is about, and tells me what life could bring. She makes me think beyond what i have now and plan wayyyyyyyy ahead because shes a very driven person. Making me realised what i want ultimately and doing the right thing that help me in my future and not just because of today's benefits and neglect what future can bring. Taught me stuffs I have not realised unconsciously, and her thoughts and words are so motivated that I know i should waste no time on things that only makes me richer today. Right now I need to get back my form to study and of course not forgetting yoga though cutting down on that. I just cant wait for this coming holidays. I have one hundred and one million things need to be done.

Even the strongest will have their weaker side. ////
If u are confused, u can do so in your own world. Dont let the other party suffer the same situation with you because that only makes you very selfish. Letting us making unnecessary assumptions and ultimately what we exchange for is only tears. I guess we arent that young anymore and i think we are matured enough to decide whats best for ourselves. Unless we are certain we are able to step out of this comfort zone and DARE to turn back and tell ourselves that this is the choice i've made and I will not regret it, this is only going to be a merry-go-round.
Whatever the result is, no matter how much I disapprove that stupid pangsai bird, ultimate decision still lies with you. all I can do is to support u when u fall.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

you guys make it all worthwhile (:

it was definitely a fun day out. Right from the start till the end when i closed my eyes to sleep, the fun is never ending.

from having to alight in town and burn a hole in my pocket because im in the wrong attire for the place im going. but yea ending surprise is one of my fav! KITE FLYING. because noob person here havent fly for a million years! FINALLY, tog with <3.

Got myself uneven tanned lines, and went to BSB concert with another grp of loves :D we screamed, we shouted, we melted (SEVERAL TIMES WHEN NICK CARTER'S VIEDO WAS UP), we cursed and swear because the grp of girls in front are super irritating. They should have just save up and buy the 148bucks tix! TSK. It was merely 1hr 30min before the whole thing ends and I thought thats the end.

im not a hardcore BSB fan but having to see him is TOTALLY worth it! HAHA

Monsters was my last surprise and indeed they are the BEST surprise ever, fancy appearing out of nowhere when i least expected them to be. Together with the 2 boys :D and stuffed me with ice cream cake and more pints of ice cream! BEST. Camwhore of course, esp the 10 continuous shots. Totally hilarious. Thanks to those who make this day possible. Rmb it in my heart <3

despite the little unhappiness, I'm glad we still hold onto each other.

Just went for my first yoga lesson. Today is the first day after the yoga and Im aching like mad, thinking back of how I have my first training when I was still in NACC. those muscles aches are comparable to what im having now. straining and nuaaaa-ing. This fri and sat going for another few sessions, because HAVE TO MAKE MY $$$ WORTH!

Luckily I have crazy friend to acc each other. never fail to bully me. tmd...

Sunday, February 7, 2010


so rigid so inflexible
if you think you can do better,
please go ahead.

don't ask people to complete task for you and then criticise on it.
if you think we are 3years old kids to you,
then please fuck off.

so you think you can display your displeasure and we cant?
By all means, if that makes you happy.

Just dont expect any respect or trust from me to you,
cause you don't deserve even a 0.1% of it AT ALL.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

dying from packing, dont remind of unpacking

its 2:18am
and im still packing.

I have cleared my wardrobe beforehand. LUCKILY!
cause I have been packing my desk area and whatever remaining stuffs since 9pm. Im damn tired. I think i will DEFINITELY DREAD unpacking. I wonder how many days I will take.

Given the number of boxes I have, I think at least 5days. )):

Monday, January 18, 2010

goodbye angmokio )):

Though I always complained the room is so small,
that my desk is always so messy because of the lack of space
Though I always whine about how i wish I have my own room so that I can decorate it.
Though I always complained the estate has SOOOO many uncountable nightmares = cockroaches, at least this reminds me that I have been here for the past 21 years of my life.

23rd Jan, im going to move to some ulu place. some corner in the the world. )): so sian. No shopping centre nearby, no late night movies where i can just walk home. most importantly, no more open space where I can star gaze for the whole night with youu. So sadddd please.

But on the brighter note that i can comfort myself is that IM CLOSER TO MY SECONDARY FRIENDS! Selene at Woodlands, Jy at Sembawang and Bing and Ahmad at Yishun! (: We are able to meet up more often now without having to worry we need to spend on expensive transport homeeeeeeeee.. ((:
this week going to be busy moving house.. 23rd is going to be the busiest, first time moving house. I think I have unfinished stuffs to bring over. hahaha, and im still not done with my room. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz